Lines 16 and 17 Grand Paris Express

Development of lines 16 and 17 of the Paris metro system

Société du Grand Paris has entrusted the Ineo UTS & Portalp consortium with the fitting out of sixteen stations on lines 16 and 17, representing 1,728 linear meters of facades, including 288 platforms doors.

The contract covers the geographical perimeter of lines 16 and 17, between Saint-Denis Pleyel and Noisy-Champs stations on the one hand, and between Saint-Denis Pleyel and Le Mesnil Amelot stations on the other. Each station has two 54-meter platforms, with the exception of Saint-Denis Pleyel (73 meters), Chelles (60 meters) and Le Bourget RER (61 meters).

These two new metro lines cover 16 new stations, for a total installation of 288 platform doors.








Platform screen doors

    Type of installation


    Platform screen doors

    15 metro stations and 32 platforms: the customer’s aim was to make the platforms safe by isolating the tracks from passengers.

    Total installations

    platform screen doors

    swinging emergency doors

    meters of platform screen doors

    per platform

    platform screen doors

    swinging emergency doors

    meters of platform screen doors

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