Marseille Transport Network

Marseille Transport Network

Marseille Transport Network Accueil • Achievements Metalwork equipment for the Marseille Metro network Portalp, through its major projects agency and its expertise in rail transport, has won 3 tenders to equip the Marseille metro with automated solutions and...
Line B of the Toulouse metro

Line B of the Toulouse metro

Line B of the Toulouse metro Accueil • Achievements Toulouse metro B-line extension Automatic metro infrastructure supplier Siemens Mobility has entrusted Portalp for the platform screen doors project for the Toulouse metro’s CLB extension. This extension will...
Line 18 Grand Paris Express

Line 18 Grand Paris Express

Line 18 Grand Paris Express Accueil • Achievements Development of line 18 of the Paris metro Société du Grand Paris has chosen the Ineo UTS & Portalp consortium to equip and secure the platforms of the future line 18. Linking Orly airport, the Saclay research...
Lines 16 and 17 Grand Paris Express

Lines 16 and 17 Grand Paris Express

Lines 16 and 17 Grand Paris Express Accueil • Achievements The development of Paris metro lines 16 and 17 Société du Grand Paris has entrusted the Ineo UTS & Portalp consortium with the fitting out of sixteen stations on lines 16 and 17, representing 1,728 linear...
Wiener Linien U5

Wiener Linien U5

Wiener Linien U5 Accueil • Achievements Modernization of Vienna’s metro lines Vienna, the Austrian capital, began a program to modernize its 80-kilometer metro network in 2017. It comprises five lines and is operated by Wiener Linien. This public transport...
British Airways i360

British Airways i360

British Airways i360 Accueil • Achievements British Airways i360 observation tower Located in Brighton on the bay of the English Channel coast, the British Airways i360 tower is the world’s tallest aerial tower. At a height of 162 metres, it is surrounded by a...